Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just a sand dune....

I read in a travel guide some romantic description of Mauritania. It described rolling sand dunes and an eternal expanse, made timeless under the sun and the blowing wind.

The blog is like that as I write this message; timeless and all "potential"-- this post is just a recognition that there's nothing here yet. It's a sand dune, it might roll along with time. I'll let you know when I there's something here other than sand.



ChristaFunk said...

You'd marry a long dash if you could. Let me know how those dashes hold up in the desert.

Michael Hotard said...

so i think you in my dream last night you called me because you were on your way to staging. it was kind of weird. good luck in your journeys though.

Jay Davidson said...

I am happy to follow along on your journey. I am feeling lots of nostalgia for Mauritania right now. Wishing you the best in your service to humanity....

Jay Davidson
Mauritania 2003-2005

Brian Hillery said...

I heart Sean. Heart him all the way to the bank and back. Do they have banks in Mauritania? Just kidding, I'm quite familiar with the the sandy expanse of Banc d’Arguin.

Just kidding again. Hope you're well.

Geoffree said...

Keep it real Seanji! We loooove you and will follow your blog :)

Unknown said...

A little sandpiper told me your Mother wishes to receive email from you. Hugs

ChristaFunk said...

NOTE: The National Zoo has a hyrax. Well, they most likely have more than one. But anyway, at the rate you're going, I am probably going to see one fiiiiiiirst. Although I won't get to enjoy all the other awesome West African Wonders like those freaky beetles, sand dunes and, the refreshing quality of chocolate ice cream in Mauritania. (I'll stick to getting it at Stacy's this summer.:))

NoVA misses you; I guess I do, too.